Saturday, June 30, 2007

There is much more to come with our new site!

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Crayon Roll-Up is BACK!!!

Our own Kristen Lemoine has been future on the News Letter, Take a Look!!!!
We are so Proud of you!
We Love You!

"Pint-Sized Picassos Critique the Crayon Roll-Up"

Reviewed by: Cheryl, as observed in-use by Darren and Sarah, fraternal twins, age 5

"crayon roll-upIn those "please use your inside voice," or "I need you to be quiet, please," moments, nothing occupies young ones quite as effectively as art supplies. Logically then, as a twin mom whose pocketbook bottoms are resplendent with crayon marks (and occasionally the broken tips), you can imagine my interest in giving Kristen Lemoine's "My Little Crayon Roll-Up" a trial run. My twins color my world -- including the paper placemats, church bulletins, sundry scraps, notes and receipts in my bag.

What a pleasurable experience it was to dispose of the assorted zip-close bags and tattered cardboard boxes from my purse, and replace them with the chic-looking, malleable and solidly stitched Roll-Up. The soft cotton case comes with 10 crayons (it can hold up to 38), each in its own perfectly-sized pocket -- yet not too snug for little fingers to extract and replace their color of choice with ease. Two larger pockets can accommodate back-up paper stock, stickers, a glue stick -- whatever supplements you'd like to add to your little artist's media at hand.

My duo's eyes lit up when I unfurled the Roll-Up for the first time. The location? A pot-luck dinner. While I went and filled their dinner plates, they were completely content -- and creative! Upon returning to the table -- where my artistic angels were behaving marvelously -- a fellow mom was waiting for me, "Where did you get that crayon case? It's perfect!" Indeed, it is.

No more quibbling for the simultaneously desired burnt sienna -- we can pack two! No more spilled drinks as hands simultaneously stretch for the rolling red-violet. No more maternal contortions to reach under the booth seat for the dropped dandelion yellow. Every color has its pocket, and the kids love putting each where it belongs.

Sarah says, "I think it's phenomenal. I love its colors."
Darren: "It's great. Much better than the little crayon boxes they give you at the restaurant."

Overall Rating: A+

It's washable. The ribbon closure stays tied. It can be made in a variety of hip fabric designs. Along with my wallet, keys, cell phone and sunglasses, it's been added to the list of absolute must-haves in my bag. The literature accompanying the "My Little Crayon Roll-Up" suggests it as a thoughtful gift item for kids' birthdays. After seeing it in action, it's an equally appropriate gift for a mom!"

Visit to read more and don't forget to sign up for their newsletter and check out all of the great things that they have to offer!

Angela The Chic Mama

The Terrible Two's

The terrible two´s

When I am out and about taking pictures, and enjoying the happiness of other parents often I encounter as well the confusion generated by the little ones turning two. Some of us have been there or are about to be there for the second time around, or maybe have never been there yet… Well is coming your way, and it will not stop.

Now that I look back in history and remember how difficult it was (or at least it felt that way) for my husband and myself to confront the new personality of our beloved daughter when she turned 2, the dilemma on what to do or not to do is still fresh in my mind.

But of course is so much easier to deal with others kids that your own, and so much interesting to see the results of having the hearth the patience and the knowledge on what to do (some idea at least) when the tantrums come your way.

I have no answers on what to do, but I certainly have a more understanding mind on how to take these situations.

One nice trick I have discovered by working with many toddlers is, they will be more receptive if you are calm for real, from the bottom of your soul and mind, and believe it works. It is very hard not to have any sentiments involved when you are trying to deal with a toddler tantrum, yet, if you are able to achieve a real state of calm they will pick-up on this signals and will react.

But off course is not a rule and will probably fail for many of us, yet is a nice and proactive way to try to deal with the terrible two´s.

Angela The Chic Mama

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Lamaze Sit & Explore Garden Gym

Posted by Alessandra

Lamaze – Spin & Explore Garden Gym

When I was working full time in San Francisco I was given the advice to buy everything I can now while I am making money for my son so I can then have it for my 2nd child too. So that is how my addiction started to buying and researching everything when it came to babies. Some mothers love to buy clothes but I actually love buying developmental toys and also gadgets. So knowing this piece of information I made sure to shop for ALL the latest at the time (Maxx was born in January 2005). Funny thing is now that I have Alexa (Alexa was born November 2006) not a lot of new things have come out. So I was pretty proud of myself at the time. Well with a little more research though I have found a few things that weren’t available at the time and obviously I went out and bought :)

So the Spin & Explore Garden Gym is one of the things I bought. Alexa was 6 weeks premature (were blessed that she had no complications and was only in the NICU for 24 hours for observation) so I am determined to make sure she is developing properly (no different than any other mommy) and making sure she gets as much stimulation and exercise as possible. When I first received the package I was so excited – a bit scared though that it would be huge and I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t at all. The Matt is just a simple but colorful matt. The spinner is separated and just lies on top of the matt. No assemble needed either. It is really pretty and colorful, which made me feel that it would really be great for Alexa. Well Alexa so far has liked it for about 3 to 5 minutes at a time. She then gets super tired and starts crying. So its not one of those toys you can leave your kid on while you make and drink a cup of coffee. You have a limited time and I actually don’t feel like you can really walk away from your baby especially if they have started to roll. So overall I am pleased with it but know its limits. I also wish it had a little carrier so you can put it away nicely or take it with you to someone’s house. So as far as I am concerned this product gets a 4.2 rating out of a possible 5.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

My Little Crayon Roll Up

If you are itching for better organization or looking for a unique children's birthday gift, check out the Creative Indulgence of the week: My Little Crayon Roll Up. This neat (and might we say stylish) holder can hold up to 38 crayons along with room to place a glue stick and a pair of scissors. When we tested this product out, we were amazed at how interested the kids became in cleaning up their crayons after using them. Putting the crayons back inside of the roll up was just as much fun as using them. The best part for little Brennan was rolling the bag up and making the bow.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Heights Of Jupiter Community Picnic

The 3 inspired moms will be representing our products and services at the annual Jupter Community Picnic. We are looking forward to getting together and promoting not only our businesses but each other.

Angela will bring her portfolio and photography session information, Kristen will bring tons of merchandise from her online boutique shop, and April will have tutus, bloomers, and hair bows.

Date: May 19th
Time: noon-4pm
Place: North Palm Beach Heights Park